ACIPH supports the attainment of a healthier life for Africans by establishing and maintaining centers of excellence for health training and strategic health information to enhance the quality of health services and promote evidence-based public health practices.
ACIPH strives for the health of the African population by enhancing the implementation capacity organizations dealing in public health and related issues in the government, non-governmental and private sectors through training, research and technical assistance. ACIPH provides short-term trainings, assists in generating strategic information through research, monitoring and evaluation, and establishing routine database systems. ACIPH provides consultancy services in the area of public health training, research, and services. Medium and long term training directed in attaining Masters and Ph.D. degrees are available in collaboration with national and international academic institutions. The Institute strives to support organizations in achieving their mission by offering timely professional services. ACIPH focuses on major public health problems of the continent such as reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. ACIPH deals with emerging and re-emerging public health concerns as and when necessary. It provides training and technical assistance on methodological issues such as data management, analysis and reports writing based on both quantitative and qualitative research approaches.