ENAT Study Enhancing Nutrition Enhancing Nutrition and Antenatal Infection Treatment for Maternal and Child Health
Assessment of Intervention Sustainability and Scalability on Economic and Sexual Reproductive Health Outcomes among Adolescent Girls (TESFA+ Investigative Research) South Gondar, Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Assessment of shift in gender consciousness following Gender Workshop (Gendershop) among secondary school students and teachers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Implementer: Addis Continental Institute of Public Health
Collaborators: Ministry of Health, Amhara Public Health Institute, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard School of Public Health Bethe Israel Hospital, Boston Children’s Hospital, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
The Enhancing Nutrition and Antenatal Infection Treatment (ENAT) study aimed primarily to test the impact of packages of pregnancy interventions to enhance maternal nutrition and infection management on birth outcomes in rural Amhara, Ethiopia. ENAT is a pragmatic, open-label, 2×2 factorial, randomized clinical effectiveness study implemented in 12 rural health centers in Amhara, Ethiopia. Pregnant women presenting at antenatal care (ANC) visits at <24 weeks gestation was enrolled. ANC quality was strengthened across all centers by provision of basic equipment such as ultrasound machine, anthropometric equipment and other laboratory machines and supplies. Health centers were randomized to receive an enhanced nutrition package (ENP) or standard nutrition care, and within each health center, individual women were randomized to receive an enhanced infection management package (EIMP) or standard infection care. At ENP centers, women receive a regular supply of adequately iodized salt and iron–folate (IFA), enhanced nutrition counselling and those with mid-upper arm circumference of <23 cm received a micronutrient fortified balanced energy protein supplement (corn soya blend) until delivery. In standard nutrition centers, women received routine counselling and IFA. EIMP women received additional screening/treatment for urinary and sexual/reproductive tract infections and intensive deworming. Non-EIMP women were managed syndromically per Ministry of Health Guidelines. Participants were followed until 1-month post-partum, and a subset until 6 months. The primary study outcomes are newborn weight and length measured at <72 hours of age. Secondary outcomes include preterm birth, low birth weight and stillbirth rates; newborn head circumference; infant weight and length for age z-scores at birth; maternal anemia; and weight gain during pregnancy.
Details can be found at:
Lee AC, Abate FW, Mullany LC, et al. Enhancing Nutrition and Antenatal Infection Treatment (ENAT) study: protocol of a pragmatic clinical effectiveness study to improve birth outcomes in Ethiopia. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2022;6:e001327. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2021-001327
Project Summary(Objective & activities)
Objective: Drawing on scaling frameworks and processes, this research will explore several areas of inquiry that we believe are necessary for informing and creating a more impactful and scalable TESFA model. In particular, the research will explore and document:
- Barriers, facilitators and critical elements to scaling the TESFA model, including through self-replication;
- Users’ suggestions and ideas for improving the TESFA model and scaling it; and
- Other avenues and partnerships for multiplying the impact of the TESFA model and ensuring scale.
Investigative research design workshop was held and key evaluation questions were identified. Study protocol and tools were developed, in English, at ACIPH. Proposal is currently submitted to IRB to be reviewed. About 6 Research Assistants will participate in the data gathering. CARE Ethiopia will identify original and replicated groups.
Training is tentatively scheduled for May 07-12, 2018. Each day of the week is planned for intensive training started at ACIPH premises.
Fieldwork is tentatively scheduled for May 07-12, 2018 in Layy gaint
woreda, south Gondar zone, Amhara region.
Project Summary (Objective & activities)
Setaweet PLC is the first feminist and socially-conscious training and research company in Ethiopia. Setaweet PLC have the aims to specialize in the provision of what it terms as Gendershops (workshops on gender equality) to high schools, NGOs and private companies/corporations based on a customized feminist curriculum that has been developed in consultation with multiple stakeholders representing civil society and the private sector. Setaweet aims to test an intervention package, Gendershop, to shift gender consciousness in 4 selected governmental high schools in Addis Ababa. ACIPH partners to assess the results of that intervention using Pre and post-test and qualitative assessment.
The objective of this study is to assess the shift in gender consciousness in core gender equity concepts of the Gendershop training among students and teachers of four selected governmental high schools in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Project proposal has been approved by ACIPH IRB. Assessment tool has been translated in to Amharic Version.