Short training on grant management was organized by GID-Ethiopia ACIPH and Harvard
University from October 2 to 27, 2023. The grant management course is designed to introduce
participants to the practical issues of managing a grant and help them confidently manage grants.
The course covers topics such as understanding the funder’s expectations from grant recipients
and using templates/forms to enhance grant management practices. The course is structured into
four phases.
Phase I: Independent reading and preparation;
Phase II: In person lectures/discussions on Grant management topics;
Phase III: Independent work on a group work assignment and virtual presentation; and
Phase IV: revising the presentation and submission of assignment report with coaching
session and reviewing participant’s group work.
The in-person lecture was held from October 09 to 13,2023 at ACIPH Hall in Addis Ababa. The
participants came from different universities, Hospitals, and NGO.