A nutrition epidemiology short course was organized by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in collaboration with Addis Continental Institute of Public Health (ACIPH) from Apr19-23,2021 . This is part of an initiative to build capacity in partner universities and institutions. The course introduced participants to important concepts and skills in nutrition assessment and their applications in
nutritional epidemiology, with particular emphasis on diet. This interactive training had a hybrid design whereby in-class discussions and practical sessions were accompanied by virtual lectures by nutrition experts from the Harvard school of public health.
This training was conducted at ACIPH Hall in Addis Ababa and 18 participants attended from Saint Paul Millennium Medical College, Arsi University, Debre Berhan University, University of Gondar, Haramaya University, Hawassa University, Dilla University, Wachemo university and Jegol hospital.

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