The 12th malaria research network symposium has been colorfully conducted on April 30, 2022 in Adama, Ethiopia. The theme of the symposium was: “Surveillance as core intervention – Key to Malaria Elimination!” The symposium was organized in collaboration with Ethiopian Pubic Health Institute (EPHI), US President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) – Strengthening Malaria Monitoring and Evaluation Systems (SMMES) project/Addis Continental Institute of Public Health (ACIPH), and Adama Hospital Medical College. Senior and junior members of the malaria research network, as well as invited guests from various universities, research institutes, and Regional Health Bureaus, attended the symposium. The symposium had more than 150 participants. In addition to an overview of the malaria situation in Ethiopia delivered by a Ministry of Health representative, there were nine oral and five poster presentations. The general assembly has chosen Jigjiga University to host the 13th malaria research network of Ethiopia symposium