The second phase of the qualitative research methods training was delivered from June 7 -11,2021. The training aimed to equip the trainees with detailed coding approaches of qualitative data,...
The main purpose of the training was to build trainees knowledge and advance their ability to apply qualitative research methods in public health inquiry. The capacity building effort will...
A nutrition epidemiology short course was organized by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in collaboration with Addis Continental Institute of Public Health (ACIPH) from Apr19-23,2021 . This...
A Short Course on Implementation Science Research of Interventions for Nutrition and Pediatric Infectious Diseases was organized under the Global Infectious Disease (GID_Ethiopia) training program, in collaboration with Harvard...
Addis Continental Institute of public health(ACIPH) has graduated 41 students in a Master’s in Public Health (MPH) Degree on 05 Sep 2020.
Due to the prevailing COVID-19 epidemic situation and considering many of our students will be involved in responding to this unprecedented epidemic the following will take effect immediately: All...
Addis Continental Institute of public health (ACIPH) has received recognition from Mekelle University for the outstanding contribution given in support of the PhD program. ACIPH has also collaborated with...
Prof. Yemane Berhane Director of Addis Continental Institute of Public Health did an interview with P2P e-Health Newsletter. You can catch the full interview on the link below:
The 11th malaria research network symposium has been colorfully conducted on December 17 – 18, 2019 at Debre Markos University (DMU). The theme of the symposium was: “Quality Anti-malaria...